Mathieu Merlet Briand


Site specific installation, commission for the Bieler Fototage Festival 2019
Wood structure and micro perforated printed canvas,
4 x 5 x 5 m

Nouveau Musée de Bienne
Fbg du Lac 52, 2501 Bienne, Suisse

Mathieu Merlet Briand
#Blue-Screen Temple, 2019

installation, 4 x 5 x 5 m


Mathieu Merlet Briand takes statistical data and thousands of photos from a web search as his raw material, which he then reworks with image manipulation algorithms that he has developed. The installation #Blue-Screen Templeis reminiscent of the blue screen that serves to indicate a crash in a computer system. By entering into the installation, the structure of which is analogous to the forms of a classical temple, we enter into an abstract reality, an immersive visual “crash” that questions our beliefs in the era of new technologies.

Text by Bieler Fototage


Mathieu Merlet Briand récupère des données statistiques et des milliers de photos liées à une recherche sur le web, une matière brute qu’il retravaille ensuite avec des algorithmes de traitement d’images qu’il a développés. L’installation #Blue-Screen Temple fait écho aux écrans bleus servant à indiquer le bug d’un système informatique. En entrant dans l’installation de l’artiste dont la structure est une analogie aux formes de temple classique, nous entrons dans une réalité abstraite, un bug visuel immersif qui questionne nos croyances à l’ère des nouvelles technologies.

Texte par Bieler Fototage

The 23rd edition of the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography will explore the theme of overflow, both real and virtual, in today’s society. On the internet, a “flood” is an action that inundates the network and saturates digital forums, rendering them unusable. Vast quantities of information are shared every day by more than four billion internet users, whether they are aware of it or not. This constant stream of passing data has an impact on society that cannot be fully grasped, but it also presents opportunities for both individual and social development.This year’s edition will present works of photography that examine the often insidious overflows into the private sphere, the political excesses that confront humanity, our technological frenzy and the extreme exploitation of essential resources in contemporary society. The photographic image is a reflection of our practices: today it gets swept along in the flow of data, and like the individual it sometimes becomes unreadable or invisible. The exhibitions will help to make the image re-emerge, bringing to the surface the societal contradictions that it sometimes depicts and will let the photograph leave its frame to set the viewer’s thoughts in motion.

Press about ‘Mathieu Merlet Briand, #Blue-Screen Temple, 2019’ :
TV RTS 1 | La puces à l’oreille, 09.05.2019 ︎
TV RTS 1 | Rendez-vous Culture, 13.05.2019 ︎
TV RTS 1 | Interface, 18.05.2019 ︎
TV Telebilingue, 09.05.2019 ︎
Radio RTN | 09.05.2019︎
RJB.CH | 09.05.2019︎
RTS.CH | 10.05.2019 ︎
Press review, article :
Journal Liberté, 16.04.2019
Le 24heures, 16.04.2019
Le Journal du Jura, 10.05.2019
Le WOZ, 16.05.2019


31 Rue Victor Hugo 
93170 Bagnolet


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© Mathieu Merlet Briand studio